John Villasenor, “Ten Thousand AI Systems Typing on Keyboards: Generative AI in Patent Applications and Preemptive Prior Art,” 26 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 375 (2024).
John Villasenor, “Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law: Impact, Opportunities, and Risks,” 25 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science, and Technology 25 (2024).
John Villasenor, “Artificial Intelligence, Trade Secrets, and the Challenge of Transparency,” 25 North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology 495 (2024).
John Villasenor, “Reconceptualizing Conception: Making Room for Artificial Intelligence Inventions,” 39 Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal 197 (2023).
John Villasenor, “The First Amendment and Online Access to Information About Abortion: The Constitutional and Technological Problems with Censorship,” 20 Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 87 (2022).
Leeza Arbatman and John Villasenor, “Anonymous Expression and ‘Unmasking’ in Civil and Criminal Proceedings,” 23 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science, and Technology 77 (2022).
Virginia Foggo and John Villasenor, “Algorithms, Housing Discrimination, and the New Disparate Impact Rule,” 22 Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 1 (2021).
Virginia Foggo, John Villasenor, and Pratyush Garg, “Algorithms and Fairness,” 17 Ohio State Technology Law Journal 123 (2020).
John Villasenor and Virginia Foggo, “Artificial Intelligence, Due Process, and Criminal Sentencing,” 2020 Michigan State Law Review 295 (2020).
John Villasenor, “Views Among College Students Regarding Freedom of Expression: An Analysis in Light of Key Supreme Court Decisions,” University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Online, Vol. 20, January 2018
John Villasenor, “A probabilistic framework for modelling false Title IX ‘convictions’ under the preponderance of the evidence standard,” Law, Probability and Risk, vol. 15, pp. 223-237, December 2016
John Villasenor, “Technology and the Role of Intent in Constitutionally Protected Expression,” Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 39, No. 3, Spring 2016
John Villasenor, “Corporate Cybersecurity Realism: Managing Trade Secrets in a World Where Breaches Occur,” American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal, Volume 43, Numbers 2/3, pages 329-357, Spring/Summer 2015. Available through SSRN at
John Villasenor, “Rethinking a Digital First Sale Doctrine in a Post-Kirtsaeng World: The Case for Caution” Competition Policy International Antitrust Chronicle, Vol. 2, May 2013
John Villasenor, “Observations from Above: Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Privacy,” Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 36, No. 2, Spring, 2013
Vivek Mohan and John Villasenor, “Decrypting the Fifth Amendment: The Limits of Self-Incrimination in the Digital Era” University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Heightened Scrutiny, vol. 15, October 2012